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Report Card
User specific
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High base damage with both Q's which gives her a laning dominance. She catches enemies off guard with Human E and Spider E and got good burst follow up.
Poor AP scalin. Mediocre late game. Her skills can be dodged or kited.
Quintessence of Gold
x 3
Mark of Magic Penetration
x 9
Seal of Armor
x 9
Glyph of Magic Penetration
x 9

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Champion description
Elise although very poor AP scaling can dish out quite a lot of damage with just her % bases and her army of spiderlings. She is a complex hybrid of an AP, Assassin, and bruiser.High base damage with both Q's which gives her a laning dominance. She catches enemies off guard with Human E and Spider E and got good burst follow up.
Poor AP scalin. Mediocre late game. Her skills can be dodged or kited.
Quintessence, Marks, Seals and Glyphs

Quintessence of Gold
x 3

Mark of Magic Penetration
x 9

Seal of Armor
x 9

Glyph of Magic Penetration
x 9
Summoner spells

Skill order